Welcome to my worldsA reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.” George R R Martin
This quote just about sums it up. If you're looking to find out about me, my words and my worlds, you've come to the right place. I'm a writer, publisher and editor. This site is about my fantasy, science fiction and horror writing, or what most people in the field call speculative fiction or SF. Hopefully you'll discover some new worlds to inhabit and some new lives to live. Conquist — the novelFind out more about my new novel published by Roundfire Books . Get the paperback and eBook from your favourite store:
Conquist — the movieFind out more about my screenplay for the movie.
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How answering screenplay questions can help your novel
A few years ago, I sent in my screenplay for Conquist as part of my application to Ron Howard’s Imagine Impact, which is described as “a first of its kind content accelerator program in film and television development”.
A few years ago, I sent in my screenplay for Conquist as part of my application to Ron Howard’s Imagine Impact, which is described as “a first of its kind content accelerator program in film and television development”.