Non-fiction Articles
I've had articles published in most of the major newspapers in Australia as well as in specialist magazines. Some have been travel or general interest, but most have been related to writing or SF. The following is a selection of complete articles. If you would like to read some of my Aurealis Editorials, particularly the now famous Golden Age Editorial Stephen Higgins and I wrote in the very first issue and the Futures of the Australian Republic Editorial in Aurealis #20/21, go to the Back Issue section of the Aurealis site.
The Australian MagazineA PACK OF LIES
Two minute noodles and smelly socks. Dirk Strasser talks about the real backpacking experience.
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The Sunday HeraldFUTURES TENSE
He is called the Grand Master of Australian science fiction. At 74, he is at the top of his form. George Turner speaks to Dirk Strasser, co-editor of the new science fiction and fantasy magazine Aurealis.
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