Carbide Tipped Pens is an anthology of new hard SF stories that follow the classic definition of the genre, in which some element of science or technology is so central to the plot that there would be no story if that element were removed. The aim of the editors was to collect stories which emphasise plot, character, science, originality and believability in equal measure, not only to entertain readers but also to educate and to return the sense of wonder of the Golden Age to a new generation of 21st Century readers.
The list below is in alphabetical by author surname (which usually means I'm near the end) and doesn’t reflect final order of the stories.
“Thunderwell” by Doug Beason
“Lady With Fox” by Gregory Benford
“Old Timer’s Game” by Ben Bova
“She Just Looks That Way” by Eric Choi
“A Slow Unfurling of Truth” by Aliette de Bodard
"SIREN of Titan” by David DeGraff
“Ambiguous Nature” by Carl Frederick
“Recollection” by Nancy Fulda
“Habilis” by Howard Hendrix
“The Circle” by Liu Cixin (translated by Ken Liu)
“The Play’s the Thing” by Jack McDevitt
“Skin Deep” by Leah Sloane Petersen & Gabrielle Harbowy
“Every Hill Ends With Sky” by Robert Reed
“The Yoke of Inauspicious Stars” by Kate Story
“The Mandelbrot Bet” by Dirk Strasser
“The Snows of Yesteryear” by Jean-Louis Trudel
“The Blue Afternoon that Lasted Forever” by Daniel H. Wilson