We decided to go back to everyone that was still contactable who appeared in Aurealis #1 in 1990 and ask them for a story for this hundredth issue. Plus there are some surprises. Here's the Contents list:
- From the Cloud 1 — Dirk Strasser
- From the Cloud 2 — Stephen Higgins
- From the Cloud 3 — Michael Pryor
- The Cavity -- David Tansey
- Shimmerflowers -- Michael Pryor
- The Mandelbrot Bet -- Dirk Strasser
- The Bewitching of Dr Travidian -- Geoffrey Maloney
- The Madlock Chair -- Terry Dowling
- All We Have is Us -- Alex Isle
- Forest/Trees -- Stephen Higgins
- Mayfire -- Rebecca Birch
- The History and Future of Aurealis: An Interview with Dirk Strasser — Chris Large
- Robotics, AI and the Impending Techno-Apocalypse — Terry Wood
- Secret History of Australia--Archibald Cistoon—Researched by Michael Pryor
- Reviews
Aurealis #100 will be launched at the Science for Science Fiction conference (Sunday 30 April 2017 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at 8 La Trobe Street Melbourne) which The Royal Society of Victoria is running in partnership with Aurealis magazine (and supported by the Emerging Writer's Festival).